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"Klemen & Leonie's relationship is sacred, divine and deep. They are a living demonstration that a passionate, powerful and conscious relationship really is possible – and attainable for anyone who knows their principles. With their teachings they don't just hold the key to an incredible loving communion – but to a life of alignment, abundance, freedom and unlimited creation.." - Ronja Sebastian, founder of the Sensual Yogini & Ecstatic Awakening Retreat
"Without having Klemen’s support at hand, my relationship would probably be over right now. His stuff works like magic."
- Klarinus, Business Analyst, Netherlands
"Leonie and Klemen are the most inspiring couple I know. Their relationship and life is so full of passion, excitement and inspiration. They inspire me to live my fullest, to truly live the life I dream about." - Tanja Zapolski, professional pianist & tantric teacher
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